recent projects

Isolation Paintings is a collection of studies of my family in lockdown. Presented as a group of paintings for the opening month of Neighborhood in Gisborne, Aotearoa New Zealand. I was interested in the way we responded and adapted to a completely different way of life. It was both solitary and busy, calm and chaotic, claustrophobic and expansive.

isolation paintings
october/november 2020

tagteam group show
october/november 2021
january 2022
november 2022

TAG TEAM is a group of artists that work at Tauranga Art Gallery. They see, handle, administrate, teach and talk about art everyday and when they can, they make their own. Their practices are wide and varied so this group show was as much about random selection as it was about a community of combined effort.

TAG TEAM are Kalou Koefoed, Emma Bossley, Amaria Kee-Huaki, Fiona Wilcock, Isabelle Mathys, Duane Moyle, and Jamie Coxon.